D1. SmartBathroom Testbed

Co-Principal Investigators
Team Members: Sutanuka Bhattacharjya, MSOT, Ph.D., Peter Presti, MSCS.
Students: Vibe Guru, Nathan Lin, Mili Parikh, Matthew Perry
Bathroom assistive technologies, such as toilet safety frames and grab bars, can help people with long-term mobility disabilities safely accomplish tasks like toileting and bathing. However, these features are often fixed environmental supports that can’t be adjusted to accommodate individuals whose support needs vary over time or even fluctuate day-to-day. SmartBathroom is a state-of-the-art bathroom laboratory installed in the bathroom of the Georgia Tech Aware Home. It features mechanically adjustable features including a toilet, grab bars, and bathtub, plus an array of sensors that can measure performance (e.g., walking speed, balance, stability), location of feet and hands, and forces applied to the bathroom surfaces and fixtures. Building upon earlier TechSAge work, we are adding a voice-control interface for the SmartToilet and development of a portable SmartSeat to monitor in-home changes in toilet transfer safety and performance over time.
Ultimately, we hope to: 1. Commercialize a smart seat that will allow care providers, such as occupational therapists, to monitor functional health trajectories in the target population and proactively provide services as needed to address changing needs; 2. Demonstrate a toilet that is adjustable through different input control interfaces, such as voice, that allows people of any ability to adjust the system to their preferences, 3. advance the predictive algorithms that can be used to automatically adjust SmartBathroom features to meet the transfer support needs of individuals at any point in time.

Current Activities
- SmartBathing Transfer System: During the previous funding cycle, the team completed the SmartBathing Transfer System to allow for studies related to transfer into and out of a bathtub, as well as a shower environment. The system includes an adjustable-height bathtub that can move into the ceiling to allow both tub and shower transfers. Custom-built, adjustable grab bars with sensing to detect weight applied to the bar and aspects of grip on the bars have been developed and installed to provide support fixtures during transfer. These sensing components are integrated into the SmartBathroom capture system, allowing collection of data from all systems during simulated transfer trials.
- SmartToilet Transfer System: In the previous funding cycle, our team of occupational therapists (OT) and students in the OT program at Georgia State University, completed the observational analysis of the video from 15 sessions with participants with varying levels of mobility disability (570 trials), where participants transferred first with a standard setting and then iteratively reconfigured the seat height and grab bar positions to find their preferred setting. Using this observational data as a ground truth along with fixture settings and data from the toilet system sensors, our team has been analyzing the stand-to-sit, seated, and sit-to-stand phases of transfer to identify whether sensor data indicates observed changes in performance when transferring at a standard setting versus their preferred setting.
- Portable SmartSeat Progress: Most recently, the team has:
- developed and tested electronic components for the portable seat
- completed a custom printed circuit board (PCB) design that will serve as the wireless, low-power embedded system for the SmartSeat
- received the fabricated PCB for evaluation
- modeled and printed a toilet seat in 3D to house the custom electronic components
- developed a prototype webapp and backend for receiving and viewing the data from deployed toilet seats.
- Our next steps will be to assemble the prototype and begin evaluating the capabilities to identify any need for iteratively updating the design and components. In the coming months, we will integrate the data from this prototype with the webapp and expand the backend system to support additional smarthome sensing that will accompany the toilet seat for deployment into participant homes.
- Toilet System Automation: Over the summer, 2024, the team completed the installation of components to automate the SmartToilet System toilet (horizontally) and grab bar positions (vertically and horizontally), as well as the interface for controlling fixture position. During upcoming trials, we will evaluate the automation system and its ability to accurately adjust to users preferred settings as well as to repeatedly return to the standard setting.
- Upcoming Studies: Active recruitment for research participants from 18-89 with or without mobility disability should begin again in Fall 2024. These studies will provide additional data on toilet and bathing transfer performance.
Select Publications
- Sanford, J. A. The SmartBathroom: UD through integrating physical and digital worlds; in Caltenco, H., Hedvall, P.O., Larsson, A., Rassmus-Grohn, K. & Rydeman, B. (eds.). Universal Design 2014: Three Days of Creativity and Diversity. Assistive Technology Research Series, Amsterdam, NL: IOS Press (2014). 978-1-61499-403-9
- Jones, B. D., Pandey, S., Presti, P., Taylor, R., Natarajan, P., Mahajan, S., Mahajan, H., & Sanford, J. A. (2017). SmartBathroom: Developing a smart environment to study bathroom transfers. In Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America (RESNA) Annual Conference 2017. Available on RESNA.org
Project Alumni
- Su Jin Lee
- Harshal Mahajan, Ph.D.,
- Russell (Rusty) Taylor
- Sharon Ang, MS HCI
- Avinandan Basu MS HCI
- Jenny Cheuk ID
- Ana Herrera; BME
- Shireen Khan; MS HCI
- Saloni Jain
- Shambhavi Mahajan,
- Kyle Murphy, BME
- Prasanna Natarajan, MID
- Seth Nuon,
- Shivakant Pandey, MID
- Shayar Shah
- Victor Perez, MSME
- Alba Roda Sales
- Priyanka Sadananda
- Suchir Sur
- Yangyi (Eve) Xu
- Sarah Carpenter
- Rachel Estreicher
- Anna Morley
- Sophie Taylor
- Taylor Gilkey