Gait Speed Measurement

Gait Speed Measurement

Principal Investigators

Brian Jones, MSEE

Theodore Johnson, MD, MPH

This project investigated ways to measure walking speed which is a key indicator of physical function, fall risk, and health decline. We developed a series of tools including an iPhone app (GaitRate; available on the Apple App Store), a permanent wall-mount system, and a portable system, all designed to measure short-distance walking speed. Through testing with healthcare professionals, we discovered the wall-mount device was preferred for clinic settings, whereas the app was favored for home settings (e.g., by visiting therapists).

The patented GaitRate Wall-Mount System (US11624755B2) was installed in several clinics to identify practical challenges (e.g. staff training, reducing interruptions in measurements as to not disrupt workflow) and to gather staff recommendations on integration. The system features a bi-directional setup with control buttons and sensors at either end of a 6-meter course. The solution consists of a bi-directional system with a screen and control button on either end of the course. Two sensor boxes are located on either end of the 4-meter timed zone to provide the speed measurement. The user instructs the subject to walk to the other control button at their normal walking speed, then presses the control button on one end and tells them to go. Sensors activate on the button press and trigger as the subject walks past. The system then ends the measurement and returns the results on both screens, allowing the user to write down the speed result in meters per second. For more information:

	Gait speed wall mount device being used in a clinic:
GaitRate App screen for measuring with resulting estimates

Select Publications

  • Vandenberg, A. E., Jones, B. D. Nadel, L. & Johnson, T. M. (2018) Hands-free, non-wearable technology for outpatient clinic gait speed assessment. Journal of American Geriatric Society (JAGS)10.1111/jgs.15572